Hampton Lakes Emergency Squad is licensed by the New Jersey Department of Health as a Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider. We are the sole provider of 9-1-1 Emergency Medical Services (EMS) to the residents and visitors of Southampton Township located in Burlington County, NJ.
Founded in 1958 as a 501(c)3 non-profit, our members have been providing prehospital emergency medical care for over 65 years.
Today, HLES is comprised of a combination of volunteer and career members serving as in various roles including First Responders, Emergency Medical Technicians, Instructors, and Administrative members.
Our dedicated team maintains our station, located in the Hampton Lakes development, our 3 Type III BLS Ambulances, 1 Type I BLS Ambulance, and our Command/First Responder SUV.
Together, our members ensure dedicated in-house staffing of one BLS Ambulance 24/7/365 with additional ambulances being staffed for special events in the community. Volunteer and career members will also staff additional ambulances during times of high call volume or when multiple ambulances are requested.
Our call volume continues to increase year after year and we currently receive between 2300-2500 calls for service annually.
As a non-profit organization, we rely on revenue from billing of insurance companies and donations as our primary sources of funding. We do NOT balance bill residents of Southampton Township.