Hampton Lakes Emergency Squad started insurance billing in 2014 as a service reimbursement program in order to continue providing service, while not burdening Township residents with additional taxes.
By billing insurance, we are primarily funded through insurance revenue and are able to cover the majority of our expenses including payroll, vehicle maintenance, building overhead, supplies, and more.
We still heavily rely upon donations and other support for capital purchases and improvements.
Revenue is generated by billing Medicare/Medicaid and third party private insurance companies (BCBS, Aetna, Etc.) for EMS services provided - Although most insurance companies only pay for transports of patient and not evaluations, lift assists, or other refusals of transport regardless of services provided, supplies used, treatments administered, or time dedicated on scene which all include a cost to the organization.
What you can expect
With guidance by the Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General and Advisory Opinions
"A city or other political subdivision of a state (e.g., fire district, county, or parish) may not require a contracting ambulance supplier to waive copayments for its residents, but it may pay uncollected, out-of-pocket copayments on behalf of its residents. Such payments may be made through lump sum or periodic payments, if the aggregate payments reasonably approximate the otherwise uncollected cost-sharing amounts. However, a city or other political subdivision that owns and operates its own ambulance service is permitted to waive cost-sharing amounts for its residents under a special CMS rule. (See CMS Carrier Manual, section 2309.4; CMS Intermediary Manual, section 3153.3A; see also, e.g., OIG Advisory Opinion No. 01–10 and 01–11.)"
We have developed a "soft billing" policy for Southampton Residents.
This means that any individual residing in Southampton will not be personally billed for insurance co-payments, deductibles, rejected claims, or balances including those who are uninsured. We will bill your insurance (if applicable) and accept the insurance amount as your payment.
The remainder of the balance will not be charged to you thanks to Southampton Township providing a stipend and other cost-sharing benefits to the Squad which covers the "uncollected out-of-pocket" expenses.
You may still receive up to 3 invoices from our billing company that show the charges, insurance payments, and balance...BUT you are not responsible for the balance as a Township resident.
Non-residents will have their insurance billed but will also be personally responsible for the balances including co-payments, deductibles, and rejects claim costs associated with the services provided.
Hampton Lakes Emergency Squad contracts with AIM EMS Software and Services for billing services.
To contact the Billing Department, please contact:
AIM Billing
892 New Castle Road
Slippery Rock, PA 16057